How Can You Grow Long Thick Hair if Your Hair Is Thin and Short?

We know that having short, thin hair can be a real struggle. So many people want to grow long and thick hair but feel stuck!

If you’re one of those people, you’re in the right place. Maybe you don’t have a clue where to start. Maybe you feel like you’ve tried everything; miracle oils, vitamins, weekly deep conditioning treatments… but nothing makes any difference to the length of their hair.

So what do you do?

Try out some of these tips, and you’re sure to see a difference!

1. Use a hair mask weekly

This is one of the best ways to make long and thick hair. Try out this nourishing treatment to give your hair the nutrients it needs! Hair masks help nourish dry and thinning locks and also work well to strengthen your roots.

Keep in mind that it’s important to stay consistent with these treatments! Many people fail to stick with it and give up when they don’t see results after week one. Remember to trust the process. Good things are worth waiting for.

2. Add protein to your hair care routine

Protein helps hair feel thicker and look shinier. The easiest way to get a dose of protein is through professional protein treatments at a hair salon in North Miami, shampoos and conditioners containing protein, or supplements.

However, make sure that you don’t overdo it. If you apply too much protein to your hair, it can actually become more brittle and prone to breakage! A good way to avoid this is to do a protein test on your hair:

Simply take a strand of your hair, grasp each end, and lightly pull on it. If the strand has some stretch to it before snapping, your hair is healthy. If it snaps immediately, then you’ve got a protein overload. If it has an extreme amount of stretch, then there is too much moisture and not enough protein!

3. Keep your hair hydrated

Using conditioner is one of the best ways to keep your hair hydrated and prevent breakage, but that doesn’t mean throwing in the towel after you’ve conditioned!

Leave-in products are perfect for keeping split ends at bay because they contain enough moisture to make sure your locks look shiny and healthy. Try using a leave-in conditioner after your shower to see the difference.

4. Be gentle when brushing and combing

It’s never a bad idea to be extra gentle with your hair. Brushing and combing your hair the wrong way can lead to breakage, which can make your hair even thinner. Using a wide-tooth comb will minimize the damage from brushing as it is much more gentle on the scalp and roots of your hair.

If you have straight hair, then you should also make sure that you’re only brushing when your hair is dry. When this hair type is wet, it is much more prone to breakage.

On the other hand, our curly-haired friends need to do the opposite. Try brushing while you’re in the shower or just after you get out, but never once your hair has dried.

5. Moderate the amount of heat you use on your hair

We all want beautiful, bouncy locks, so we turn to our trusty blow dryer and straighteners. However, this can actually make your hair weaker and thinner! Heat can damage your scalp and follicles, making it difficult for your hair to grow.

Therefore, try styling your locks with a curling or straightening iron less often to minimize the damage! Going without these tools will give your strands a chance to recover. You can try using alternative methods for curling, such as overnight curlers, blow-drying your hair on the cool setting, let your hair air dry.

6. Get regular trims

It is important to visit a salon in North Miami to get regular trims and avoid pesky split ends! Split ends are definitely not cute, and they can make your strands look thinner.

Split ends are usually the reason why your hair breaks off or stops growing. When you get a trim, all your split ends are trimmed away, which prevents them from continuing up the shaft of your hair follicles and causing more damage.

7. Protect against sun damage

UV rays are another big enemy for your hair, which is why it’s important to protect it when you’re out in the sun.

When our hair gets exposed to the sun, it can cause the color to fade, breakage, and weakness. This means that your hair will stay thin and short for as long as you let the damage continue.

Make sure to wear a hat or a scarf when you go out so that your hair is protected from harmful rays. You can also talk to your stylist at a hair salon in North Miami for recommendations on hair protectant sprays.

8. Take biotin supplements

Biotin is a B vitamin that helps our bodies produce fatty acids and keratin, which is what makes up our hair strands. Biotin supplements are great for producing stronger hair that is also thicker and shinier.

There are many biotin products available for purchase, such as biotin shampoo and conditioner or biotin pill supplements.

9. Avoid harsh chemicals

When you wash your hair, try using sulfate-free shampoo and conditioner. This will make sure that your locks are not stripped of their natural oils, which can make your hair look thin and unhealthy.

You should also try to avoid chemical treatments, such as bleach and dye, as much as possible. Yes, that means resisting the urge to change your hair color every month, as difficult as it is! It also means using professional products and visiting a salon in North Miami.


If you follow these tips, you’ll see that it won’t be long before your locks are thick, flowing, and healthy! There’s no reason why you can’t have the long, beautiful hair of your dreams. All you just need is to be a bit more patient and follow these tips.

Let us know in the comments what works for you and other tips you have to share!

Mens’ Haircuts: Everything You Ever Needed to Know

Is it time for another haircut already? It seems like just yesterday you were trudging off to the Aventura men’s hair salon for a fresh trim. And by “fresh” we mean “the closest thing to looking like an Army recruit that you can get without having to actually join the army”.

For too many men, haircuts are viewed as nothing more than an opportunity to grumpily sit in a poorly little chair, while some other dude uses you as a play pretend dummy for wielding scissors. It’s no wonder that so many men avoid the barbershop altogether.

It doesn’t have to be like this though! Maybe you don’t know what words to use, what questions to ask, or even what sort of haircut to go for in the first place. So let’s remedy that, shall we? In this article, North Miami’s best hair salon, the Changing Room, will help you with every aspect of the modern barbershop experience.

First Things First: Terms and Vocab

In order to get what you want, you have to learn the hairstylist language. Here are the most important terms to know:

  • Number 1-8: This refers to the hair clippers used by your stylist. The higher the number, the longer the cut. The smaller the number, the closer the shave.
  • Taper or Fade: These terms are interchangeable and refer to haircuts where the taper of the hair gets gradually shorter as it approaches the ears.
  • Sideburns: The sideburns are the section of facial hair directly below your ears. They can either be faded or tapered, depending on the haircut you want!
  • Scissor Cut: A scissor-cut is a haircut where your stylist will use scissors to precisely cut your hair, instead of using clippers.
  • Volume: This is the term used to describe how much hair you want on top of your head. The higher the volume, the puffier and thicker your haircut will be.
  • Hairline: The hairline is the very front section of your scalp, where your hair starts. It can be low or high depending on the look you want to achieve.
  • Razor Cut: This is where your stylist will use an actual razor instead of scissors or clippers to cut your hair. The benefit is that it’s easier to get more intricate, detailed haircuts.

Face Shapes

Another important detail you should be aware of when you visit the Aventura men’s hair salon, especially when you are picking out your cut, is your face shape. To help you figure out your face shape, here are 5 main face shapes:

Oval Face: The length of your face is just longer than the width. Haircuts that will look great on oval-shaped faces are ones that have been layered and cut longer on top.

Round Face: This means that your face is almost as wide as it is long. If your face is round, you will want to opt for a haircut that brings out your jawline and angles your face with shorter hair on the sides, and long hair on top.

Square Face: A square face is one with sharp angles and a strong jawline. If your face is square-shaped, you will want to opt for a cut that gives you a softer, more rounded look.

Diamond: Faces with diamond shapes tend to be narrow at the jaw and wider around the cheekbones. Haircuts that cut weight off around the jawline, will be flattering to diamond-shaped faces.

Triangular Face: This means that your face is narrow at the jaw and widens towards the forehead. Haircuts then add weight and texture to the top of your head, in particular in front, will be flattering.

Last-Minute Tips

Once you finally get into the salon chair, here are some last-minute tips and tricks to keep in mind:

Ask your stylist questions and not just the small-talk kind. Ask them about what you want, how to style it, whether or not certain haircuts would be flattering for your face shape. They’re there to help you.

If you feel uncomfortable in the chair, don’t be afraid to speak up! No one’s going to think any less of you for admitting that you’re nervous.

Finally, go with your gut. If you feel like you didn’t get what you wanted, don’t be afraid to go somewhere else!


Now that you know these basics, you should be able to communicate much more effectively with your stylist! No more buzz cuts just because it’s the easy choice! Now you have the ability to choose a buzz cut because you know that it suits your face.

When you combine your face shape with your knowledge of terms, you can walk into your barbershop confidently. You can walk out with a great haircut from North Miami’s best hair salon that will look good and feel good.

7 Steps to Longer and Healthier Hair

One of the most neglected aspects of beauty and appearance is hair. Due to its nature, it can easily be taken for granted. However, taking care of your hair can do a lot more for you than you might think.

You should try to concentrate on seven main aspects if you want your hair to be longer and healthier.

1) Maintain a healthy diet

Healthy hair requires a healthy diet. A poor diet can result in a deficiency of various nutrients, which can cause your hair to grow slowly and also become weak and brittle.

One of the best ways that you can ensure that your diet is healthy enough to support long, strong hair is by eating plenty of foods that contain zinc, iron, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids such as fish, nuts, and green leafy vegetables. These foods will promote a healthy scalp and hair. Also, don’t forget to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

2) Avoid stress

Stress weakens the immune system and causes a number of different problems. It can also have a negative impact on your hair.

For example, when you are stressed, your body produces the hormone cortisol. Cortisol has a negative effect on hair growth and can lead to hair loss. There is also a link between stress and dandruff. Additionally, you may notice more grey hair if you are under a lot of stress.

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, try to reduce stress as much as possible. You can do this by practicing yoga, meditation, or deep breathing. You can also try things like taking the scenic route when you drive or enjoying an aromatic cup of tea.

3) Limit sun exposure

Excessive sun exposure can cause hair problems such as thinning and hair loss. Just as we must use sunscreen for our skin whenever we are going outside, we should also take measures to protect our hair.

North Miami hair salon services can recommend several products such as moisturizing creams and sun protectant sprays to keep your hair healthy and strong. You can also take other measures such as covering your hair by wearing scarves, hats, or other protective clothing. Additionally, you can try to engage in outdoor activities for shorter amounts of time or during the evening hours.

4) Use shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for your hair type

It is important to choose a shampoo and conditioner specifically designed for your hair type. For example, if you have dry hair, then it is best to get a moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. If you have curly hair, you should get a shampoo and conditioner formulated for curly hair.

You should speak to a stylist at the best salons in north Miami to help you choose the perfect shampoo and conditioner for your hair.

5) Avoid harsh chemicals

You should also make sure the products you buy are free of sulfates, parabens, and other harmful chemicals. Make sure to choose chemical-free shampoos, conditioners, styling products, and other hair care products.

If you are unsure whether your hair product contains these ingredients, you can check the label! You can also use a website like Curl Scan, which allows you to enter the name of a product and find out if it is safe.

6) Trim split ends

Split ends are the result of dryness and damage. They should be trimmed regularly to promote hair growth and prevent further breakage. If you want your hair to grow faster and thicker, you should regularly trim split ends.

North Miami hair salon services can help you by booking an appointment to trim those ends and can also recommend products to prevent them in the future!

7) Avoid heat styling

Ceramic and tourmaline hair irons, curling wands, or straighteners can be very damaging to your hair. Instead of using these tools, try other methods such as heatless overnight curls, braids, or twists.

If you must use these styling tools, then it is important to use a heat protectant before you do so.

Additionally, you can also use cold air to blow dry your hair, and then apply heat only when absolutely necessary.


If you follow these seven steps, then your hair will be healthier and longer in no time! Get in touch with the Changing room, one of the best salons in North Miami, today for all of your hair care needs!

Best Ways to Protect Your Hair From Sun Damage

Are you looking for ways to protect your hair from sun damage?

Those of us who live in Miami and frequent the beach know that the sun can be brutal! Sun exposure is actually one of the leading causes of damaged and brittle hair, dryness, and split ends when it comes to our hair. Dermatologist Wilma Bergfeld, M.D. describes that over time, UVA and UVB rays from the sun can damage the outside cover of the hair strand, called the cuticle.

The Changing Room, a beauty hair salon service in North Miami, is familiar with these damages and is here to help! Read on to find out the best preventative methods you can take to keep your hair looking and feeling its best.

What to Wear

Hats or other head coverings are a must if you’re planning to go outside for extended periods of time. Hats will not only protect your scalp but also lock in moisture and shield the hair from the harmful UV rays that may cause damage. Think about buying a good-quality floppy hat or visor to wear if you plan on being outside for long periods of time.

Hair scarves are another option for those with longer hair. A scarf will cover your tresses and keep your hair protected from the sun at the same time. You can even opt for a lightweight, breathable fabric to ensure that you don’t get too hot in this summer weather!

Hair Sun Protectants

If hats just aren’t your style, or it’s too hot out for a headscarf, your next best bet is a protective sun spray. There are a lot of hair salons in North Miami, such as The Changing Room, who can recommend a brand that is best for your hair.

When choosing a protective spray, stay away from any products with alcohol listed in the ingredients. Alcohol-based sprays will dry out your hair and cause more damage. Instead, pick a product that is labeled as alcohol-free and water-based.

Products like the Surface Protein Repair Tonic are a great option to help you protect your hair from the sun.

Limit Exposure Time

If your hair is already dry or damaged, it may be best to avoid the sun altogether. The heat and direct sunlight will only worsen your hair, so it’s best to stay inside or wear a cover until your locks are in much better condition.

If you do plan to be outside in the direct sun for an extended period of time, at least wear protective gear and limit the amount of time you spend outdoors. For example, if you are having a beach day, try taking an umbrella or some sort of sun shade so you will be in the sun, but it won’t be directly on your head.

Go Out Later

The afternoon sun is especially brutal on your hair and skin, so try to plan outdoor activities for the early morning or evening hours. It’s much cooler at those times, making it easier to wear a warm head covering. Plus, when the sun is lower in the sky, you’re not exposed to quite as much of its harmful rays.

If you want to do an outside activity, like going to a fair, try going during the evening rather than in the heat of the day. You’ll still have a good amount of light to enjoy your fun plans, but you won’t be exposed to nearly as much damage to your hair and skin.

Scalp Protection

You don’t want to leave out your scalp when it comes to sun damage prevention. After all, the scalp is what your hair grows out of! There are many products on the market that can protect your hair, but hair salons in North Miami recommend moisturizing conditioners like R.A.W. Rebalancing Conditioner. These moisturize the scalp and prevent the sun from drying it out.


How you protect your hair from sun damage is up to you, and you can choose any of these methods or a combination that best suits you. The main thing is to be aware of what you’re doing and, most importantly, how it’s affecting your hair!

Check out The Changing Room‘s beauty hair salon service in North Miami for more tips on protecting and styling your hair!

Read How to Repair Damaged Hair in 10 Ways

Do you have hair damage problems? Does your hairstylist run their fingers through your hair with a tsk, tsk sound? Well then, look no further. This article has some excellent tips on how to repair damaged hair.

Do not go to a hair salon, and expect your regular hairdresser to fix up your damaged hair. You need to go to someone who specializes in repairing damaged hair. Keep that in mind when choosing where to take your badly damaged hair. There is nothing more likely than they will make it worse!

Hair salons in Miami are the best hair salons for repairing damaged hair. Just ask around your friends and see if they know of any hair salon in Miami that can improve your damaged hair a little bit, so at least you won’t be walking around without a clue.

You have decided to go to a hair salon specializing in repairing damaged hair; congratulations! You have made the first step on being able to walk around with wonderful-looking, healthy hair! Now onto some tips on how to improve your damaged hair.

If possible, talk with other people who have gotten their hair repaired at their regular hair salon before you give them your money.

1) Use Aromatherapy Hair Steams

Aromatherapy is the art of infusing flowers, oils, and other ingredients into the steaming water of essential oil baths. It is known to be highly effective at providing good smells for people who are ill or depressed. Not only will aromatherapy help revive healthy hair follicles, but it also provides an aesthetic experience for both yourself and anyone who comes in contact with you.

2) Invest In Brazilian Blowouts

If heat styling isn’t your thing, then a Brazilian Blowout might be a good option for you. Follow this link to see why they’re worth it!

3) Look Into Keratin Treatments

Keratin is one of the best products to repair damaged hair because it coats each strand into a protective layer that allows it to remain soft and shiny for days. Though these treatments are more expensive than other methods, many believe that keratin treatments last longer and even cure split ends. These products take about two hours to dry completely, so make sure you set aside enough time.

4) Stock Up On Hair Serums And Creams

Do not underestimate the power of hair serums and creams in terms of repairing hair damage. They are meant to be applied after shampooing and conditioning but before drying hair. Creams and serums such as Aveda’s Damage Remedy™ provide an extra heavy dose of hydration, ensuring that all of your hair follicles remain strong and healthy.

5) Avoid Heat Styling Tools

Heat styling tools like flat irons and blow dryers can cause your hair to become significantly damaged and brittle if used too often. It is best to refrain from using heat styling tools every day; instead, just use them one or two times per week. If you have a special event coming up, try reconditioning treatments from step three to save yourself .time curling ironing each piece of hair.

6) Embrace The Curl

Curling irons and hot rollers can be very helpful in repairing damaged hair. All you have to do is use them when your hair is half-dry after shampooing, then set it with a bit of hairspray. This may seem like a lot to do in the mornings, but the results are well worth it! It’s also best to invest in a rotating curling iron if you want something that adds curl without any kinks or creases.

7) Remove Hair Products Before Shampooing

It might seem counterintuitive to remove hair products from your hair before shampooing, but trust us on this one. When trying to repair damaged hair, the entire goal is to not weigh it down with products but instead allow the heat of the shower to work on your hair. If you formerly used hairspray or mousse, try using a cream-based shampoo before applying conditioner. If you once had gel in your hair, use a liquid-based shampoo without conditioner.

8) Try Using Egg Yolks

Egg yolks are rich in proteins that have been scientifically proven to help protect the lipid layers of your hair. They also facilitate healthy circulation, which allows for the faster growth of new hair cells! These compounds are very effective at nourishing damaged hair cells, making them perfect for those who undergo frequent blow-drying or curling ironing treatments.

9) Stay Hydrated

Though many people do not understand the science behind hair hydration, staying hydrated is a straightforward hair repair. Drinking plenty of water helps keep hair cells strong and healthy by replenishing their lipid layers, and it also helps prevent hair loss from excessive breakage or chemical treatments. In fact, drinking enough water will probably help you feel more rejuvenated as a whole!

10) Trim Split Ends Regularly

Split ends are one of the most obvious signs that your hair has been over-processed over time. Split ends come from repeated damage throughout regular haircuts, so it’s best to cut them off before they spread up to 3 inches upwards of the rest of your hair. If you want to save money on haircuts, just use a pair of good-quality hair styling scissors to snip off those pesky split ends.

A hair salon in Miami goes beyond the client-stylist relationship to forge a friendship that extends beyond the boundaries of commerce. The changing room is an Aventura hair salon that provides best-in-class hair services in Miami. They have a talented and skillful team of professional hairstylists who can give you great hairstyles. They promise to be affordable without compromising on quality. Their atmosphere is warm and friendly with easy parking. You can also find them online or by telephone. So, if you are looking for a hair salon that helps you with your damaged hair, the changing room is the place for you.

How to Maintain Your Long Hair and Make it Healthier

If you are one of those people who get lots of compliments for their long, lustrous tresses, you’re one of the rare lucky ones. Not everyone is blessed with beautiful long hair like yours. But we understand that having long hair comes with its own challenges too. You must be constantly stressing over how to keep your long hair healthy, how to prevent thinning of your hair, or premature graying.

Stop worrying this very moment, because stress isn’t good for your hair in the first place. And secondly, we have all the tips and tricks that you need to maintain your cascading tresses just the way they are, or make them even healthier.

Here are the top tips on how to maintain long hair:

Always go for cold showers

No matter how cold it is outside, you should avoid washing your hair with hot water at any cost. How water is very damaging to your hair. Hot or warm water opens up the cuticles of the hair, exposing the inner, fragile part of the hair strands. This increases the chances of further damage and breakage of your hair. Hot water can also dry out your scalp.

Cold showers keep your hair safe and prevent damage from brushing after a wash. They also make your long locks shine better.

Dab, don’t rub, your hair dry

Rubbing your hair with a towel after a hair wash is the second big mistake we tend to make. The rubbing action produces friction which your wet hair cannot tolerate well. Wet hair is weaker than dry hair and friction can damage it.

Instead, just dab your hair with the towel lightly and then wrap it with the towel or an old t-shirt to soak all the water. When it is not dripping wet anymore, let your hair loose allowing it to dry naturally.

Know when and how to brush

How and when you brush your hair will also impact its health. Never brush wet hair because wet hair is more likely to break. Brush only after it has dried completely. Use a wide-toothed comb if you absolutely have to brush your hair when it’s wet. The material of your hairbrushes is an important factor too. Boar bristle brushes, natural fiber brushes, high-quality wooden combs, etc. can be your hair’s best friend.

When you are brushing your hair, always start at the ends and gradually move up to the top. This puts less pressure on the roots and minimizes hair fall.

Be mindful of what hair ties and accessories you use

Your hair is happiest when it is let loose, but that’s not always possible. If you are using hair ties, clips or hairbands, make sure that they don’t pull too much at the roots of your hair. Use something that feels comfortable and fits loosely. Scrunchies and coil-type hair ties pull less at your hair.

Avoid using heat and use heat protectants when you have to

Again, heat is bad for your hair. Just like hot showers, heat in any other form can damage your hair. Avoid blow-drying your hair or using straightening and curling irons. Heat can rob your hair of moisture, making it dry and rough. You will only end up with frizzy, damaged hair if you use heat treatments too often.

But when you just have to style your hair with heat, make sure that you use a heat protectant spray.

Avoid chemical treatments

We all know chemical treatments are not the best thing to do for our hair. They can severely damage your hair resulting in excessive hair fall, premature graying, and loss of texture. Chemical treatments like permanent hair straightening, smoothening, or curling could be damaging to your hair if you don’t use the right products.

But, yes, we love to keep changing our looks once in a while and that’s okay as long as you get it done at a reliable, professional beauty hair salon service. Make sure that they use the best quality products and do not compromise on this.

Follow a good hair care routine

Having a good hair care routine is essential for everyone. This includes oiling your hair at least once a week. Washing your hair twice a week. Brushing your hair before going to bed every day to improve blood circulation in the scalp. Trimming the ends once in a while to prevent fraying and split ends.

All of these habits should become a part of your lifestyle and be followed religiously to ensure good hair health.

Have a healthy diet

No matter how much we work on the outside, if you are not taking care of your hair health internally, you will never get the desired results. Long shiny hair requires nutrition. And this nutrition comes from your diet. Eat food that is good for your hair. Proteins, nuts and healthy oils, carrots, foods rich in vitamins E and B12, etc. should be included in every meal.

Also, drink lots of water and stay hydrated for soft and smooth hair and a healthy scalp.

Only trust reliable beauty hair salon services in North Miami

Lastly, always go to a reputed and reliable beauty hair salon service. Professional hair care can do wonders for your long tresses. If you are looking for beauty hair salon services in North Miami, Changing Room Salons are where you should be. The hair experts at Changing Room Salons are highly skilled and offer impeccable services in hair treatment and hair care. Get your hair pampered by the best in North Miami, and we’re sure those compliments for your hair will never stop flowing.

Expert Advice For The Perfect Hair Style

The secret behind a picture-perfect hairstyle is usually your stylist. Experts at the best North Miami hair salon know the products and cuts that are best suited for your personality, face shape, and lifestyle.

Here are some tips from expert stylists that can help you choose and maintain the right hairstyle while taking care of your hair.

Expert tips for the perfect hair style

Choose a haircut that matches the shape of your face

Experts at North Miami hair salon explain why the face shape matters when it comes to your hairstyle. While each individual has a distinct face shape, these are categorized generally into six shapes. You can determine the shape by looking at the mirror.

  • Oval: Considered to be the most desirable shape, the length of an oval face is more than its width. The widest part of this type of face shape is the forehead. While any hairstyle looks good on these people, an expert North Miami hair stylist recommends full fringe, long layers, layered bob, or shoulder-length waves to complement the face shape.
  • Round: While the ratio of length to width is equal in round-shaped faces as well, these people have soft features, flatter cheekbones with the cheeks being the widest part. Hairstyles that elongate the round face shapes are best suited according to experts at North Miami hair salon. These include long waves, long straight hair, swoopy bangs, and shaggy bobs.
  • Square: The width and the length of a square-shaped face are equal. People with square-shaped faces have a minimally curved chin and strong angled jaw. Wavy shags or long layers with soft fringe and side-swept bangs help soften the sharp angles.
  • Diamond: A diamond-shaped face is characterized by high cheekbones, a narrower forehead, and a pointy chin. Short cropped hair or bangs that reach the cheekbone help accentuate the diamond face shape.
  • Heart: These individuals have slimmer and pointed chins and a wider forehead. Chin-length bobs, wavy layers, and narrow bangs help mask the wide forehead.
  • Rectangle or oblong: The width of cheeks, jawline, and forehead are almost the same. The length from the chin to the forehead is longer than the ear-to-ear distance. Long layers, side-swept fringes, and volume help complement the rectangular face shape.

Consider your hair texture and lifestyle

Two important factors to consider when choosing your hairstyle are your lifestyle and the texture of your hair. If you have a hectic lifestyle, an elaborate or complex hairstyle will be difficult to maintain. Experts recommend finding a hairstyle that is aligned with your lifestyle.

North Miami hair salon experts advise getting a haircut every three months. If you can visit your stylist once in eight months, a high maintenance style is definitely ruled out.

You will also need to look at how much effort you need to put in and the products you need to use at home to maintain your hairstyle.

When it comes to texture, fine and thin hair is best kept short and blunt with minimum layering. Medium thickness and thick hair can accommodate more layers. Thick hair with long layers can look less bulky while making it easier to manage on a day-to-day basis.

Get regular color touch-ups

Hairstyling experts at North Miami hair salon recommend getting the color touch-up every 28 days. This helps avoid unnecessary damage to your hair. If you wait for too long, your stylist will have to dye the entire head again because of color fading. While you can touch up the ends at home, if you have undergone Balayage, Ombre, or dip dying, it is best to get the touch-ups done by a professional.

Choose the right hair products

The hair products you choose depend on the type and texture of hair you have. If you have straight and fine hair, it is best to use lightweight formulas such as sprays and mists. Heavy conditioners can weigh your hair down.

People with curly and thick hair need thick creams and richer oils to efficiently moisturize and nourish the thick strands.

Regardless of the texture of your hair, the foundation for strong and lustrous hair is a good hair care regime. Use the recommended conditioner and shampoo and a weekly deep-conditioning treatment at a reputed North Miami hair salon.

Hydrating your hair with a leave-in cream and avoiding sun exposure can help nourish and protect your hair. For quick touch-ups, use finishing products, such as hair oil, creams, and serums. These products calm frizz, heal damage and add luster.

A professional North Miami hairstylist can recommend the best style that suits your personality and face shape.

How To Find The Best Hair Salons In Your Area

While living in a large city with hundreds of hair salons can seem like a great thing, narrowing down your choices and choosing the best salon can be a difficult task.

If you are living in an area as populated as South Florida, this post will tell you how to find some of the best beauty hair salon services in Aventura, the best hair salons in North Miami, or the best Miami Beach hair salon services.

1. What kind of services do you need?

If you are in need of specific and specialized services for your hair, you need to find a salon that has the expertise you are looking for.

If you have curly hair and are wanting a cut or color, you may want to find someone that has experience with curly hair and can possibly provide a portfolio of their previous work. Some Miami beauty hair salon services have undergone special training and have become certified to work with curls.

If you are interested in incorporating some nontraditional colors into your hair, you need to find a salon that can give you the color you want without damaging your hair. Those that specialize in nontraditional colors typically have experience with a multitude of colors and should be able to give you what you want.

Many of the best hair salons in North Miami will have at least one stylist that specializes in nontraditional hair coloring, or can at least point you towards someone that does.

2. Ask around

Word of mouth referrals are extremely important to beauty hair salon services in Aventura. Stylists rely on their clients to spread the word about their services and talents to bring new clients into the salon.

If you have a friend or coworker with a similar hair type, feel free to ask them who does their hair. Chances are, you have seen this person both on their good hair days and bad hair days but if you think it still looks good, you may want to visit the same stylist.

If there is someone you follow on Instagram from your area who has your dream hair, you can message them to ask who they go to! Whether you know them personally or not, most people will be flattered by your inquiry and will tell you which Miami Beach hair salon services they visit.

3. Use social media as a search engine

Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are becoming great places to conduct research. Most Miami beauty hair salon services have social media pages, as do many of their stylists.

To conduct a search via social media, try typing in a hashtag that might be popular among salons in your area. Some examples include #MiamiBeachHairSalonServices and #MiamiHair, or if you want to get more specific, you could do #CurlyHairMiami.

Once you have come across a page that you are interested in, view the photos that the account has posted or been tagged in. These photos give you a real-life idea of the services each salon provides, which you can then compare to your natural hair and the idea you have in mind.

By viewing the photos that a salon or stylist has been tagged in, you get to see what their client’s hair looks like after they leave the salon. Everybody knows that our hair will never look as good as the minute we step out of the salon, but viewing personal photos of clients can give you an idea of what your hair will look like when you do it yourself.

4. Read reviews

Almost all of the best hair salons in North Miami will have online views that you can read when you look the salon up. Between Google reviews, Facebook reviews, and even Yelp reviews, you can get an idea of how past clients feel about their services.

When you are reading reviews, keep in mind that nobody’s hair is exactly the same as yours, which means results will vary. If someone says they had a negative experience at the salon but did not specify any reasons why that was the case, you may not be able to trust that review.

If there are a few negative reviews but you notice the salon has taken the time to reply back, that is a good sign. When salons respond and try to resolve negative reviews, it shows you that they care about their clients and only want the best for them.

Once you have found a salon that you are particularly interested in, look at their reviews on different websites so you can get the full picture.

5. Take advantage of consultations

Many beauty hair salon services in Aventura will offer first-time clients a consultation before setting up the appointment for their service. By scheduling a consultation, you will be able to get a good feel for the salon environment and be able to communicate with your stylist before they get started.

Show up to the consultation with any photos of what you would like to have done. Your stylist will explain what they would do to your hair in order to look like the photos you provide, or they might suggest another style or technique.

If you are coloring your hair or are adding any highlights or lowlights, the consultation is the perfect time for your stylist to perform a test strand. Miami beauty hair salon services should perform a test strand to see how your hair reacts to the products the stylist is using. Test strands are typically done to a small section of hair on the bottom layer so it will not be visible in the case that your hair does not react well to it.

The Bottom Line

Whether you have just moved to a new place, have never had your hair colored, or are just wanting to try something new, choosing the right hair salon is crucial.

Take your time when researching and choosing a hair salon, because where you choose to go could make all the difference in what you end up with.

Hairstyling Tools – How to Choose The Best Ones?

There are a lot of different curling irons, blow dryers, and flat irons on the market. But does it really matter if you use the same tool on the same setting for every client? The short answer is yes.

Hairstyling tools are different, and you can use them in a huge variety of ways. The tool you use and the way you use it makes all the difference – from a hairstyle for an office day and to a hairstyle for a perfect night out. So how can you make sure you choose the right tools? What’s the difference between some of the most common ones? This guide will help you understand the basics. Let’s start:

#1 – Hair straighteners

Every good North Miami hair salon has a variety of hair straighteners in its arsenal. Also known as a flat iron, they are primarily used to straighten hair and make it look smooth, glossy, and sleek.

Which hair straightener is good for you?

There are dozens of hair straighteners on the market, so choosing a good one can be difficult. The best models have ceramic plates which transfer heat uniformly to the hair strands. This means that your hair won’t get burned or become frizzy. Similarly, a titanium hair straightener works best if you use it on thick, coarse hair. Titanium is good because it transfers the heat quicker and more evenly. A titanium straightener creates more heat, so you won’t have to repeat the procedure, leading to a lower risk of damage. What’s more, it takes less to achieve a smooth, sleek look.

You can also choose from a variety of mineral-infused hair straighteners. They can be used for any type of hair and can even hydrate locks. They are also cheaper than ceramic and titanium flat irons. Another great idea is to buy a hair straightener with curved edged plates – this will let you straighten your hair but also curl it, with little effort.

Looking for a good North Miami hair salon? Click here to find the best hair salons in Aventura!

#2 – Curling irons

Also known as crimping irons, they are the most effective tools to add texture or volume to your hair. Curling irons can be used to create amazing, luscious waves and locks. Similar to flat irons, curling irons are very different and are available with a variety of heat plates.

How to choose a good curling iron?

When you choose a curling iron, you have to consider the size of your curls (or how large you want them). For example, a large barrel gives you a larger curl. Similarly, a smaller barrel will give you a tighter curl, and it’s best suited for shorter hair.

You’ll also find a variety of cone-shaped curling irons on the market. These give you amazing versatility and can be used for both large and small curls. You can use the larger end to create the large curls and the smaller part to create small, tight curls. Some models come with interchangeable barrels, making them even more versatile. These models are often used by hair salons in Aventura, but you can also use them at home.

Multi-barrel curling irons are designed to create wavy hair rather than curls. Spiral curlers are great tools for beginners, especially if you want to create a wavy hairstyle in a matter of minutes. Automatic curlers are perfect if you want to make the procedure even shorter. They are perfect for curls on the run!

Most curling irons and curling tongs have a spring lever that secures the end of the hair during the process. On the other hand, curling wands do not have this lever – this helps you create a more natural, free-falling curl.

#3 – Hairdryers

The hairdryer is probably the most important tool in any hair salon. It’s been around for almost 100 years, and it’s still hugely popular. There are hundreds of different models, from bonnet hair dryers to lightweight, professional hair dryers you see in luxury hair salons. So which is the ideal one for you?

Ceramic hair dryers are the most common models. They can be used for all hair types, and can be used for both style and dry hair. The ceramic components heat up quickly and provide an even heat, helping you work faster. Ceramic hair dryers are the safest models and won’t damage your hair, as the heat they emit is infrared and locks in the natural hair moisture.

Titanium or tourmaline hair dryers are ideal for thick, coarse or frizzy hair. They create more heat, and it’s delivered quicker to your hair strands. This means that you’ll be able to work quicker and the risk of damaging your hair is reduced.

You can also choose an ionic hairdryer, which is essentially a combination of titanium and ceramic. These models are ideal if you want to dry the hair as quickly as possible. However, they cannot be used to style the hair, as they produce too much heat. Because of this, they do not add volume to your hair and are not good for shorter hair.

#4 – Hot hairbrushes

These small devices act as part blow-dryers, part hair straighteners and part curling irons. They are versatile, simple to use and can help you create virtually any hairstyle you want. They let you dry your hair, create smoothness, movement and bend in one move. Hot hair brushes are used by professionals to cut down on styling time, pump up hair volume and give an amazing look in just a few minutes.

Looking for a good North Miami hair salon? Click here to find the best hair salons in Aventura!

Announcing the 2021 SALON TODAY 200 Honorees

It goes without saying, 2020 will go down in history as one of the most interesting years, to say the least.

Because of the onslaught of the pandemic, many beauty hair salons of Aventura closed, usually more than once, owners had no choice but to apply for emergency funding, while enforcing the standards for social distancing and safety.

The Changing Room Salon knew how vital it was to adjust the priorities of its current business competition which not only displays its successful growth strategies of 2019, but for survival strategies of 2020 as well.

Beauty hair salon services of Aventura have to be willing to do whatever it takes to reacclimate during these times of pandemonium.

This year’s SALON TODAY 200 is dedicated to the heroes of beauty hair salons of Aventura, as well as the other leaders in this industry.

The leaders who were open to this change helped support their team members even when they had to lay them off so they could seek unemployment, and created all kinds of methods for delivering advice and products to clients who were staying at home, while their hair was unruly.

It also emphasizes the good that came from 2020—how beauty hair salon owners of Aventura grew closer with their team members, and the bonds that were created between clients. At this rate, beauty hair salon services of Aventura will be coveted even more so than before.

It’s an indicator of the perseverance and dedication, the creativity, ingenuity and the courage and the resiliency that North American salons, spas and barbershops showcased last year.

SALON TODAY’s landmark salon business competition had also changed this year. Temporarily abandoning its lazer focus on growth, and instead wanting to celebrate the successes of 2019 and the tales of leadership and heroism for 2020.

The Changing Room Salon COVID Guidelines

The Changing Room Salon is closely following the local guidelines to make sure you are safe and healthy. Some changes might only be temporary, others may be permanent, but their dedication to providing extraordinary guest experience will never cease to exist.

2021 SALON TODAY 200 Honorees

Beauty hair salon services of Aventura will be totally revamped for the betterment of patrons and workers.

  • Guests can only come in with an appointment.
  • Only guests who have scheduled appointments will be permitted to enter the salon. NO additional family members or friends will be allowed.
  • If you show up more than 5 minutes late for an appointment, they cannot provide service due to the high demands.
  • The waiting area is closed. You need to wait outside or in your car until its your turn.
  • Guests will be welcomed at the entrance.
  • Upon arrival, guests will need to answer a questionnaire for screening purposes and have your temperature taken with a non-contact thermometer.
  • If your temperature is above 99 degrees, you won’t be allowed to enter.
  • They require all guests to wear a protective face covering or mask at ALL times.
  • Guests are expected to wash their hands or use sanitizer once they use the facilities of aventura beauty salon services
  • All personal belongings must remain on your lap during the entirety of the aventura beauty salon services.
  • Maintain 6ft social distancing with the exception of you and your hairdresser.
  • You have the option to pre-book appointments.

Steps the Changing Room is Taking To Offer Aventura Beauty Salon Services:

  • Employees will have their temperature taken before starting any work.
  • Modifications have been made to the space to prioritize social distancing.
  • All employees are required to wear a protective face mask at all times.
  • They have temporarily suspended the station for clients, all beverages, cookies, magazines, and testers.
  • All highly touched surfaces are going to be sanitized often.
  • Hands will be washed in between service
  • Our team has been Barbicide certified.
  • Stylists will sanitize their equipment
  • Clean capes will be provided for each guest.

More Information About The Changing Room Salon

  • The Changing Room is adamant that all of its stylists continue their education in order to meet the demands with newer trends.
  • They will confirm your appointment and make sure the day is going smoothly for your service provider so that you don’t experience unnecessary wait times.
  • Having plenty of stylist stations means a stylist will always be available to assist you.
  • Complimentary Wi-Fi.
  • For the first time that you visit their salon, you will be enrolled in the Style Rewards Program where you can gather points every time you complete a service and buy products. These points can be redeemed for services at a later time.
  • Their monthly specials are sent by Email for discounts on a variety of services and retail hair care products that are only for their existing clients.
  • Parking isn’t an issue.
  • You can purchase E-Gift cards for anyone for anywhere in the world.

Looking Ahead

Hair salons and barbers are recovering at a steady rate. Their efforts, as previously mentioned, are not going unnoticed. You can still resume your normal activities while making safety a priority, simultaneously.

When COVID hit, it caused many of these businesses to reassess what was working and what wasn’t working as well. In business, whenever you encounter lower profit margins, you have to make a decision of how your business will move past this roadblock.

The Changing Room Salon clearly states this: ““Before reopening we analyzed each area of the company, determining what was profitable and what was not. Due to low profit margins, a steady decline of sales and the need for social distancing, we decided to eliminate our nail and spa services. We reopened as The Changing Room 3.0 with clearly defined expectations, better accountability, improved systems, and higher standards all around.”

COVID is not the end all, be all for many of these sectors of business. With the right strategies in place, there are foolproof ways to remedy these sorrows for you, your colleagues, and most importantly, your consumers.

If more businesses comply with these rules and regulations, we will begin to turn a corner in the foreseeable future.