Collagen Hair Treatments – What you Need to Know

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It’s the main structural protein in the connective tissues, like tendons, ligaments, cartilage, bones, and skin. It’s essentially the glue that holds our body together, but it also gives skin strength and elasticity. Collagen is also the protein that helps our skin and hair grow and recover, especially during the aging process.

Collagen is an important factor behind hair growth. It makes the hair look stronger, more luscious, and healthy. It is used by the body to replenish hair loss and adjust hair growth. Collagen is produced by the body, but supplements are often used to boost the effects of this protein. Many hair and beauty products contain collagen, which is key for healthy hair growth and rejuvenation. This short guide will explain what collagen is, how it is used in hair treatments, and its enormous benefits.

Make sure to contact the best hairdresser in North Miami if you want to get the best collagen hair treatments. The best hair salons in Aventura provide the best collagen treatments.

What is collagen and how does it work?

As mentioned above, collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body. It is essentially an amino acid used by our cells to produce keratin, which is a special protein that promotes hair growth, elasticity, and strength. Collagen is critically important if you want to have strong, healthy, elastic hair. It’s also important for hair hydration, as it attracts water molecules, thus making your hair look more healthy.

Collagen moisturizes

Collagen also helps moisturize your skin and hair. A small daily collagen supplement supports a healthy digestive tract. It offers protection, healing the lining of the gut. This leads to better absorption, leading to healthier skin and hair. Collagen is important if you want a healthy digestive tract, but it also works together with other components, like hyaluronic acid, moisturizing, and rebuilding the structure of the underlying skin layers. Hyaluronic acid and collagen help the follicle area become healthier and stronger. Collagen also protects the blood vessels in the dermis, which allows better diffusion of nutrients in the area.

Promotes hair growth

Collagen is an important factor behind hair growth and recovery. Hair health starts from the inside, from the follicle, which is essentially composed of collagen molecules. The integrity of collagen is affected by the natural slowdown of collagen production, which occurs as we age. The breakdown of collagen is accelerated by external factors as well, like sun damage, excess sugar, fats, and alcohol in our diets. The breakdown negatively affects our skin, nails, and hair, so a small collagen supplement can help us regrow hair. Hair loss, especially if it is visible for longer periods of time, is also caused by iron deficiency, low thyroid activity, various auto-immune diseases, various hormonal imbalances, and excessive sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The effects are various – some people may see hair thinning, slower growth, or complete alopecia (the hair doesn’t grow at all).

Make sure to contact the best hairdresser in North Miami if you want to get the best collagen hair treatments. The best hair salons in Aventura provide the best collagen treatments.

Regenerates the follicle

Collagen is a natural oxidant, helping hair grow back quicker. Multiple studies have shown that collagen obtained from fish scales have powerful antioxidant effects. Marine collagen, for instance, is able to fight four different free radicals. Similarly, proteins similar to collagen found in tea have amazing antioxidant effects. The antioxidant effect is important because our bodies continuously produce free radicals via the various metabolic processes. These free radicals can damage the hair follicles, which leads to hair loss. Collagen acts as a powerful antioxidant in this process, neutralizing the dangerous free radicals. This promotes natural hair growth.

Collagen supplements – the pros and cons

There are various collagen supplements on the market. Here are their main pros and cons:

PROS of collagen supplements:

  • collagen prevents breakages, strengthens the hair, reduces frizz, and helps your hair look better, from the root to the tip
  • collagen is natural, it doesn’t contain any processed chemicals; it’s a natural protein produced by our bodies, and it’s a natural skin and hair component; other common hair treatments contain various dangerous chemicals, like formaldehyde, which is known to cause cancer
  • collagen improves the health of your hair for decades to come

CONS of collagen supplements:

  • high-quality collagen supplements can be quite expensive
  • although generally safe, collagen supplements may cause various side effects, especially for allergic people
  • the treatment is not quick, results are visible after several months; many people say that the best results are visible after about 2 to 4 months; unfortunately, many people want to see immediate results – collagen is good, but it takes time
  • after each treatment session, you will need to wait at least 4 days before washing your hair; this can be quite uncomfortable for many people

Make sure to contact the best hairdresser in North Miami if you want to get the best collagen hair treatments.

Collagen hair treatments at home

Ideally, collagen hair treatments should be done by professionals. For best results, contact the best hair salons in Aventura, where professionals know how to apply the treatment. If you can’t afford professional collagen hair treatments, there is an alternative solution – your own DIY collagen mask. Here’s how to do it:

The ingredients for the collagen mask:

  • 1 packet of collagen – you can get this at your local beauty store
  • 1 ripe banana
  • ½ cup of yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil

Here’s how to prepare the collagen mask:

  • mash the banana into a thick paste
  • add the yogurt and stir the paste
  • add the coconut oil and mix until everything is smooth and soft
  • add the collagen packet and apply to your damp hair
  • let it sit for about 10 to 15 minutes
  • rinse and wash the hair with lukewarm water

Benefits of a Hair Mask

Our hair is under a lot of stress. We constantly subject it to numerous chemical treatments, we dye it, blow dry it, tie it in knots, and expose it to heat. We abuse it even more with our unhealthy eating habits. Unfortunately, we also neglect it and we rarely take proper care of it.

Hair masks are helping our hair and act like high-powered hair conditioners. They provide nourishment for the hair, strengthen it, and make it look better. Hair masks can also be targeted for specific types of hair. Hair masks are also fairly easy to get: just contact the best hairdresser in Aventura to get one. You don’t even have to go to the best hair salon in your area, almost every hair salon can help you.

The benefits of hair masks are immense. Let’s why they are so great for your hair:

What is a hair mask?

Let’s start with the basics and see what are hair masks. Hair masks are complex hair treatments that are formulated with butter, oils, conditioning agents, and other nourishing ingredients. They are hydrating and provide nourishment for your hair, helping it look better. They are far more effective than your average conditioner or shampoo. The effects are visible after a single-use.

Hair masks are the ideal ways to protect the hair against various chemicals we often use in order to dye or style it. Hair treatments also prevent our hair from tears and help it recover. Hair masks are formulated according to your hair type. Ideally, you should know your hair type before applying a hair mask. For instance, there are hair masks designed for damaged hair, color-treated hair, and brittle hair.

The ingredients used to create the best hair mask

There are dozens of different hair masks to choose from. As mentioned above, the best way to pick the right hair mask is to know what type of hair you have. The good news is that you won’t necessarily have to go to the best hair salon in your area to get one. You can put a hair mask at home, you just have to make sure you follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

When it comes to ingredients, choose a hair mask that has natural oils, like coconut oil, argan oil, olive oil, or avocado oil. These oils are the most common ones, but other ones work well – just make sure they are natural. Other ingredients you should look for are berries, bananas, honey, and eggs.

These ingredients have a nourishing effect on your hair, making it stronger, shinier, and smooth. Yogurt and coconut milk are also excellent ingredients for certain types of hair masks. No matter what hair mask you choose, stay clear of hair treatments that rely solely on synthetic chemicals. Always choose natural ingredients.

The benefits of hair masks

According to the best hairdressers in Aventura, hair masks come with these amazing benefits:

  • your hair will be smoother and shinier

Having a once-a-week hair treatment will do wonders for your hair. A good treatment will leave your hair extra shiny and smooth. What’s more, you’ll likely don’t have to worry about developing dandruff or excessive oiliness. Hair masks, especially if you choose the ideal one for your hair, are designed to clean your scalp and your hair strands profusely. When applied correctly, hair masks won’t leave any oily residue on your scalp. Keep in mind that hair masks should be applied from the ends and up to the roots. The mask has to stay for about 10 to 15 minutes. After this, rinse thoroughly with lukewarm water.

  • it will reverse hair damage

If you often use heat styling tools, aggressive hair styling products, your hair will end up dry and damaged. Unfortunately, damaged hair is difficult to repair, and the results are often poor. Hair masks, if chosen and applied properly, can relieve hair damage. Just make sure you choose a nourishing hair mask that attracts moisture within hair strands. The nourishing ingredients also help replenish the deficient nutrients. The best hair masks to repair your hair after extensive damage are filled with amino-acid ingredients. Amino-acids have a critical role when it comes to nutrient deficiencies, as they help moisturize your hair strands. The effects are visible after the first session and may last for several months. If you don’t know how to choose or apply a hair mask, make sure to contact the best hair salon in your area. Don’t risk it – you may choose the wrong hair mask, and you may end up damaging your hair even more.

  • hair re-hydration

Dry hair is one of the most common complaints coming from both men and women, according to the best hairdressers in Aventura. Unfortunately, dry and dull hair is very difficult to manage. Styling this type of hair is tough, especially if you want a special hairstyle. The quickest way to repair it is by applying a deeply hydrating hair mask. The most common ingredients for these masks are coconut oil and mil, as well as jojoba oil. They contain a massive amount of electrolytes, vitamins, and minerals that are quickly absorbed by your hair. Use this hair mask at least once a month in order to get the best results.

  • masks are ideal for color-treated hair

Hair masks are very good for people who regularly dye their hair. If applied correctly, hair masks help your hair keep its vibrant color for months to come. Obviously, you should choose a hair mask specifically designed for colored hair in order to get the best results. Unfortunately, many hair dyes have chemicals that can damage your hair. A hair mask can offer protection against these chemicals and can help your hair recover quickly. With a good hair mask, your hair is healthier, more vibrant, and will look better for months to come.

Dealing With Breakage, Damage and Hair Loss

Even when you’re having a good hair day, breakage and split ends can ruin it for you. Our hair goes through a lot between washing, drying, and styling it.

Let’s talk about dealing with hair damage, breakage, and loss because we all know we struggle with it.

Common Causes

It’s no secret that applying too much heat to your hair by blowdrying, straightening, or curling can cause intense damage. However, many of us consider these hair tools a necessity and cannot imagine life without them.

If possible, you should consider only applying heat to your hair once or twice a week. Dry shampoo will become your best friend when trying to make your blowout last until the next wash.

No matter how often you are applying heat to your hair, you should always be using a heat protectant spray. Heat protectant is a simple yet effective way to save your strands.

Even before applying heat protectant, make sure that your hair has optimal hydration. Healthy hair begins in the shower and is dependent on the water, shampoo, and conditioner you use.

Believe it or not, the water coming through your showerhead can be detrimental to your hair health. If you suspect this is the case, investing in a shower head filter will be a lifesaver.

One of the best hair salons in Aventura, FL, The Changing Room, is a big fan of the brand Biolage. Biolage’s All In One Coconut Infusion Spray supplies hair with moisture while detangling it, serving as a heat protectant, and smelling amazing.

Speaking of South Florida, humid environments can also make your hair prone to damage. The humidity itself isn’t damaging, but it can cause you to brush your hair more often or pull it into a tight ponytail. If you realize that this statement applies to you, you should consider visiting a hair salon in Aventura regularly.

Types of Hair Damage

The most common type of damage we see is the dreaded split ends. Split ends can be caused by heat, the chemical products you use, and even how you brush your hair.

It is important to look at the hair products in your cabinet and make sure they do not have too many harsh chemicals. Instead, opt for products that contain natural ingredients like sweet almond oil, argan oil, and coconut oil.

Hair shedding is a pesky part of everyday life, but sometimes, it becomes too much, especially if you notice it is not growing back.

Hair loss or hair thinning can be caused by one of two reasons – genetic or reactive. There is a chance that you are genetically predisposed to hair loss, or your hair loss can be a result of a trigger.

One of the most common triggers for hair loss comes from a hormonal imbalance. Androgens, which are male hormones, still exist in females, and if you have too many, can cause follicles to gradually shrink.

As if feeling stressed wasn’t bad enough already, stress can also raise androgen levels, leading to hair loss or thinning.

Getting Ahead of the Problem

Like many things in life, practicing healthy hair care methods to avoid damage is much easier than fixing the problems when it is too late.

The Changing Room, a beauty and hair salon service in Aventura, insists that all of its stylists continue their education to keep up with the latest trends in hairstyle and care.

Investing in the right products and working them into your routine is one of the best things you can do. Speaking with stylists at a hair salon in Aventura can help you to find the perfect products for your hairstyle.

Many of us cannot fathom giving up our routine color appointments, and you don’t have to. Don’t be afraid to ask your stylist questions about what products they are using in your hair, as well as what products you can use at home to prevent further damage while making your color last.

Can You Reverse the Damage?

The short answer to this question, unfortunately, is no.

There are plenty of ways to hide your split ends like using coconut or argan oil, but the scientific makeup of your hair prevents them from actually being repaired.

Getting a haircut regularly is the only sure-fire way to get rid of split ends. Haircuts do not have to be dramatic, and many times, if all you want to do is eliminate your split ends, you can get away with taking off an inch or less.

What makes The Changing Room one of the best hair salons in Aventura is their Style Point Program. Every time you have a service or buy a product, you accumulate Style Points that you can eventually redeem for service.

This means that if you get your hair trimmed regularly, you are not only benefiting your hair health but also your wallet!

Whatever type of hair damage you are experiencing, it is a good idea to speak with a professional. A professional hairstylist will be able to see and feel your hair in person, making them a reputable source of advice and service.

There are many great products available to you, but what may work for someone may not be the best choice for you. Keep in mind the type of hair you have, as well as any treatments or products you use that could be affecting your hair.

The Bottom Line

We can all agree that dealing with hair loss, breakage, and the damage is exhausting.

Like many things in life, recognizing the problem is one of the most important steps.

The sooner you recognize the damage in your hair, the sooner you can work on preventing it in the future.

Conducting research online and with the help of a professional will get you on your way to a healthier head of hair.

Beauty hair salon service The Changing Room in Aventura recognizes that hair not only has to look good, but feel good too.

Know that you are not alone in the fight for healthy hair, as almost every man and woman around the world experiences similar problems that you do.

7 Common Natural Hair Myths That Everyone Believes

It can’t be denied, taking care of your hair and making sure it’s nice and healthy is a huge part of self-care. However, there’s a wide variety of hair myths on the internet that people tend to think is true when in reality it’s not in the slightest.

Being able to detect hair myths is crucial because it could end up damaging your hair or vice versa, it could be that something you heard that’s not true, could actually end up benefiting your hair. This is why you need to know the seven common natural hair myths that everyone tends to believe.

Now, if you find yourself wondering what else could be a hair myth, or if you just want to keep up with the latest trends of ways to keep your hair feeling shiny and healthy, you may want to look into a beauty hair salon service in Miami. This salon service can help answer any questions you may have concerning your hair.

So, make sure to follow along if you’re interested in seeing if any hair myths pointed out in this article is something that you haven’t done due to believing a myth or something you’ve done because you believed it was good and harmless for your hair.

In fact, you need to watch out for common myths that can end up causing more damage to your hair than you realize. For instance, if you’ve heard something about a specific product that’s supposed to benefit your hair or make it healthier, it could actually be hazardous or contain chemicals that can be very bad for your hair.

Water Makes Your Hair Dry

A very popular myth that most people tend to believe would have to be that people think water makes your hair dry and unhealthy. However, the real reason as to why you may think your hair is dry due to water is mainly because not having a leave-in conditioner in your hair after your shower can cause dryness due to not having enough moisture.

If you’re interested in looking into a leave-in conditioner that will help moisturize your hair, you may want to either pick up the phone and contact salons in North Miami Beach or stop by to see if they have any products you’d like.

Having the Most Expensive Product Works Best

Have you ever been to a salon or have been talking to someone who tells you that a specific product, specifically a very expensive one works the best for your hair due to it being a high-end price? If the answer to that is yes, just know that this is a myth.

In reality, you can actually create a hair product that will work better for your natural hair for way cheaper and you won’t have to break the bank in order to purchase a product that improves your hair.

You may want to do some extra research in regards to the beauty hair salon services in Miami, which could help you find some small products that you can incorporate in your DIY mixture that will help improve your hair.

All Oils Improve Natural Hair

A big natural hair myth is that oils, every single oil can improve natural hair. But, this is a huge myth due to the fact that not every oil can help moisturize hair and give it that shiny look that you may want. In fact, oils can actually do the opposite, it can take out the nutrients in your hair and strip away the moisture leaving your hair feeling dry.

Thick hair is Strong Hair

You may find yourself thinking that the thicker your hair is, the stronger your hair must be. But, the truth is natural hair, in general, is fragile and somewhat thin, so if you find yourself with thicker natural hair then it could be a sign of dryness or breakage.

If that’s the case, you may want to look into finding a hair salon in Aventura, FL, or even a salon in North Miami Beach. Both salons provide hair services that will fix any type of dryness or breakage found in your natural hair. Now, who wouldn’t want immediate fixing when it comes to your beautiful hair?

Repairing Split Ends is Easy with Certain Products

If you’ve ever been told this by a hair salon or have read it on a specific product, it’s actually not true at all. This is due to the simple fact that any product that actually tells you they are able to repair split ends doesn’t actually do it. The only way to help the whole split end situation is to actually snip it right off. This will allow the natural hair to grow healthier.

If you’re in need of someone snipping off your split ends, making an appointment with a salon in North Miami Beach could be a great option for you to consider.

There’s a Right Product For Instant Fixing For Your Natural Hair

A major myth is that there’s a specific product out there that will fix all your problems regarding natural hair and make it as perfect as can be. Sadly, there isn’t a product out there that can automatically fix hair, it takes time and patience, in order to finally get to your preferred natural hair look.

If you find yourself stuck on what to do in order to help improve your natural hair or get it to the ideal look that you’re wanting then you may want to check into a hair salon in Aventura, FL. They will help you get your ideal look and you’ll walk away feeling powerful with a brand new hairstyle.

Natural Hair is Difficult to Deal With

Now, this is definitely a myth mainly because your hair is yours and whatever you want to do to it will help make you feel confident so if someone tells you that natural hair is difficult to deal with or you’ve read about this, the truth is, natural hair isn’t difficult to manage.

However, if you prefer someone else to create a look for you to feel more comfortable, a hair salon in Aventura, FL could be the best fit for you.

Being able to style your hair the way you want is never something that should be seen as difficult. In fact, it can be rather fun to try out new styles or patterns that fit you best.

Keep in mind, if after reading this article you find yourself wanting to make an appointment with a hair salon make sure to check out all of the services beauty hair salons can provide in order to meet your accommodations and wishes, in Miami.

No matter what, natural hair is beautiful and you should embrace every inch of it. Being aware of the common myths will be beneficial to you in the long run.

Coronavirus And Hair Salons: What Can Hairdressers Do?

Going to a hair salon has always been an intimate activity. It’s where we go to feel special, to take care of ourselves and to make us feel and look more beautiful. But going to a hair salon in North Miami can be delicate during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

It’s a place where close contact between at least two people is non-negotiable. Your hairstylist massages your scalp or your face using the pads of their fingers; the same goes for barbers, who have to lean closer to shape up your hairline or your beard.

The beauty and cosmetics industry virtually stopped back in March when the first restrictions were implemented. And hair stylists in North Miami were directly affected, as all hair salons were closed.

The effects were immediate and were felt throughout the country, as clients had nowhere to get even a simple haircut. The bond created between the hair stylist and the loyal client was broken in a matter of days. The community of and the sense of camaraderie which is emblematic for the industry was also affected.

Going to a hair salon isn’t just a fad or a quirk. We need this type of service and we rely on it to help us craft the image we show to the world. How we look is a major component of our self-esteem. And without this certainty – that we look awesome, we may quickly go into depression, our anxiety can go through the roof and we rarely want to go outside.

This absence was felt immensely on social media and video sharing platforms, where people from all around the world posted tutorials on how to create a buzz cut at home or how to dye our hair. Many people even asked where to get black-market haircuts.

However, the industry is showing signs of getting back on track. Hair salons in North Miami are slowly opening up and the trend is visible across the country as well. Even in other countries, such as the UK, Spain, France, and the UAE, hair salons are opening up after months of restrictions.

There’s a catch though – hairstylists and barbers will have to follow strict procedures when accepting clients in order to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Let’s see how will the industry adapt to the new restrictions and what can you expect when going to your favorite hair stylist in North Miami:

Customers will have to call before checking in

Although this unwritten rule was in place before the pandemic, now it is official. If you are a customer looking to get a haircut or have your hair dyed, you must make a reservation beforehand. This means that you have to call the salon or the hairstylist and ask whether you can go. After you arrive at the location, you have to wait to be asked before entering. Customers will likely be asked to wait in the car before entering. This will reduce the number of clients in the salon at any given time. This is a great opportunity to use an online booking system for your appointments. You should offer this system through your website or app.

Try to avoid touching surfaces

Virtually all hair salons have magazines, newspapers, and other items in the main waiting area and many clients enjoy them. However, with the new health risks posed by the coronavirus, salons are advised to not use them. Some states even imposed rules focused on this aspect. All other items should be removed, like candy dishes, fruit bowls, or testers. Customers should avoid touching all surfaces. Tables and other surfaces should be disinfected multiple times per day, preferably after each customer.

Checking for symptoms

The main COVID-19 symptom is high fever, typically above 100 F. Some states require hairdressers to check the temperature of customers and staff on a daily basis. You may be refused entry if you have a fever.

Late cancelation fees should be eliminated

Hair salons often impose this measure in order to avoid late cancelations. This was common before the pandemic, but now hair salons are advised to eliminate the fee. Whenever a customer wants a late cancelation, hair salons should accept it. Ideally, you should offer customers the chance of rescheduling without any penalty.

Encouraging staff to stay at home if sick

Customers shouldn’t be the only ones that have to avoid going to a hair salon if sick. Employees should also be encouraged to take a sick day if they are not feeling well. This is especially true if the symptoms are similar to COVID-19.

Make sure the salon is clean and properly disinfected

By definition, most barbershops and hair salons in North Miami already do a great job in keeping the location clean and sanitized. There are already strict rules in this industry, and most hair salon owners respect them. However, with the threat posed by COVID-19, hair salon owners have to step up their efforts. Tools and work stations as well as other surfaces have to be wiped down with disinfectant after each client. Deep cleaning should be done at least once a week, but preferably once every two days. Also, place cleaning supplies and disinfectants for your customers, preferably closer to the entrance area.

Encourage social distancing

Social distancing measures should be implemented inside the hair salon. Obviously, social distancing measures cannot be implemented while the actual service is performed. In other areas, especially in the waiting area, you should try to keep all individuals at least six feet apart. Also, haircutting stations and other pieces of furniture should be spaced at least six feet apart.

Using face masks

Although not all states have imposed this measure, masks are advised for anyone going to a hair salon. Both customers, barbers, and hair stylists in North Miami should wear face masks when working. Other personal protective equipment should be used as well, like gloves or face shields.

How Salons and Spas Can Practice Social Distancing

Social distancing measures are obviously impossible while getting a haircut or spa service. However, the industry has imposed new measures in order to help salons and customers feel safe during the pandemic. Let’s see how beauty salons in Miami will welcome clients during this period:

Social distancing – why is it important?

Social distancing quickly became a buzzword during this period, and it will definitely stay for at least several years. But what is it and why is it important? Physical distancing is necessary because it limits the spread of the new coronavirus. The micro-droplets we eliminate through talking, coughing, or exhaling is the primary way of spreading the virus, so maintaining the distance between people is crucial. Recent data suggests that people should maintain a minimum distance of at least 6 feet from others, whenever possible. Every person should have at least an area of 40 square feet in order to maintain social distancing.

Making sure you respect social distancing

  • beauty salons should calculate their area and divide it by 40; for instance, a North Miami beauty salon covering 1,000 square feet should not have more than 25 people inside at any given time (1,000 divided by 40 is 25);
  • in order to maintain a distance of 6 feet between each person, you should adjust the layout of the salon, if possible; the clients should be placed at least 6 feet apart both in the waiting area and in the working area; beauty salons will also use wall or floor markings depicting the social distancing measures;
  • both these measures must be implemented at the same time (the area and the distance requirement);


Given the nature of the work, beauty salons in Miami cannot respect social distancing, especially while the hairdresser or the barber works with the client. Many services offered by beauty salons require close contact with clients – tattoo parlors, body piercing, skin clinics, cosmetic treatments, hairdressers, day spas, and barbershops. Obviously, working in close contact with multiple clients every day increases the risk of spreading the virus, but several safety measures can be implemented.

For instance, control measures will be imposed in all beauty salons across Florida, such as:

  • the number of people in a closed space must be minimized; the access to the workplace must be limited to workers and clients; the waiting area will be open only for clients;
  • clients will have to make appointments and will only be allowed in during that time period; no walk-ins will be allowed; the appointments will be made in order to minimize the number of people inside;
  • work tasks that can be done in other areas of the salon are recommended (for instance, if the North Miami beauty salon has a special room for cutting hair and a special room for dyeing hair);
  • larger salons will have to divide the worker teams in order to minimize interaction
  • every worker has to have personal protective equipment

The type of personal protective equipment needed

All beauty salons in Florida will have to provide personal protective equipment for their workers. Gloves and masks, as well as face shields, will have to be used by salon workers, particularly for the ones who are in close contact with clients. Workers must also be trained in the proper use of personal protective equipment. They also must be aware of the risks that can arise as a result of workers wearing and using personal protective equipment.

Providing services to a client

Maintaining social distancing in a beauty salon in Miami is close to impossible, especially when working with a client. However, there are some rules that can be implemented even if social distancing is not possible. Here’s a short guide:

  • the length of the appointments and their frequency should be reduced, if possible; consider splitting services in multiple appointments in order to reduce exposure;
  • workers should work with a client in a secluded room or area, if possible; teams should be split up in order to reduce overcrowding; products and tools should not be shared;
  • each worker should be allocated to a client; swapping or using assistants is not recommended;
  • refreshments can be provided to clients, but they have to be available in disposable cups or receptacles;
  • beauty salons are advised to put any loaned towels or dressing gowns in a closed laundry box; each client should have a separate laundry box in order to avoid contamination;

Worker and client interactions during the pandemic

Beauty salons in Miami will have to ensure that there is a 40 square feet area for each person. In order to achieve this, beauty salons are advised to:

  • provide extra time between appointments; clients should not overlap in order to prevent overcrowding; if clients do overlap, they should wait outside;
  • signage should advise clients about the new requirements and the maximum number of people allowed inside;
  • as previously mentioned, walk-in service should be canceled;
  • limit the number of clients in the waiting area and limit the waiting times; try to make precise appointments and follow a strict work schedule;
  • clients should not bring friends or family to appointments; only clients will be allowed in the beauty salon; everyone else must wait outside; if this is not possible (for elderly or disabled clients), make sure you respect social distancing rules;
  • contact clients and inform them whether their appointments have to be canceled (appointments are late or there are too many clients on the premises);
  • reduce the number of clients that can go to the spa at any given time;

The layout of the workplace

North Miami beauty salons may need to redesign the layout of the workplace in order to meet social distancing measures. Here’s what to expect:

  • specific pathways for workers and clients may be created, if possible;
  • client stations must be spaced out; the same is applicable in the waiting areas;
  • floor and wall signage should be used to identify the 6 feet social distancing measure;
  • doors and windows should be kept open, if possible;
  • ventilation should be adequate; consult with your HVAC specialist and clean the air conditioning filters regularly.

Hair Stylist Tips While Keeping Social Distance

Are you thinking about getting a haircut during the pandemic? Well, you are definitely not the first one. Although we rarely consider hairstylists or barbers as essential workers, we need their services, especially after months of lockdown.

We stayed at home for months, in isolation, or working remotely. The whole society was affected and our social lives have changed during these few months. However, as the restrictions begin to ease, we desperately want to get back to normal. And getting back to normal includes, among other things, going to our favorite North Miami hair salon. It’s not something we can’t live without, but it’s something that helps us feel better about ourselves, which is important during this difficult period.

But how can we go back to a hair salon and feel safe? How should we prepare for the first visit to a hair stylist in North Miami during the pandemic? Are there any alternatives? Let’s try to answer these questions in this short guide:

Getting a haircut at your favorite hair salon – is it safe?

Social distancing is tough when it comes to haircuts. After all, it’s close to impossible to get a haircut or get your hair dyed from six feet. And being close to someone is the quickest way to spread the coronavirus. But what are the solutions?

The first obvious solution is to wear a mask. Both you, the customer, and the hairstylist should wear one while working, even though you cannot practice social distancing. Also, use other protective personal equipment, like gloves or face shields. There’s more good news:

  • the new coronavirus cannot survive on your hair for long; in fact, it cannot survive for more than a few hours on any kind of surface
  • hair salons and barber shops are already very strict when it comes to hygiene; there are very strict rules in this industry and many salons respect them (this was the case even before the pandemic)

Unfortunately, there is some bad news as well:

  • many people who have COVID-19 are asymptomatic; they don’t have a fever, they don’t cough and many of them don’t even know they are infected; these people can spread the virus and are contagious; because they are asymptomatic, you cannot detect whether they are sick or not with a simple thermometer; simply put, infected people will get through
  • direct transmission is a distinct possibility in hair salons, as customers come into close contact with staff
  • masks and other protective personal equipment reduce the risk of infection, but they are not bulletproof
  • social distancing measures help, but infected people can still spread the virus 10 to 20 feet away, especially in closed environments

Although the disease has mild symptoms and effects for many people, its consequences can be disastrous for the old and frail. In some cases, people recover after an acute COVID-19 episode but are suffering from long-term effects. The disease has been shown to permanently damage the health of many people. In short, getting a haircut at a North Miami hair salon can never be completely safe during the pandemic. There are risks, but they can be managed properly if you understand them.

What are the hair salons doing for their customers?

Hair salons across the country have imposed strict measures to ensure safety for their customers. They are doing as much as possible to stop the spread of the virus and keep everyone safe. Here are some of the precautions you may encounter when visiting a hair stylist in North Miami:

  • masks are required for anyone – both for customers and staff; in some cases, face shields and gloves will also be necessary, particularly for employees
  • handwashing is more frequent – customers will be asked to wash their hands when entering the premises employees will have to wash their hands after each client; disinfecting soap should be used
  • screening should be done both for customers and clients; the screening involves a short temperature check; every person who has a fever higher than 100 F will not be allowed to enter the salon
  • only a limited number of people will be allowed in the salon; this number will be calculated on the size of the salon (the floor area)
  • sanitation of surfaces will be done after each client; deep sanitation will be done every two to three days
  • hair stylists in North Miami and barbers should use fresh gloves after each client

Cutting your hair at home

Still scared of going to a North Miami hair salon? If yes, your safer alternative is to simply cut your hair at home. Here’s a short guide to help you out:

  • have a plan of action – this comes from the professionals and it’s very important: always have a plan when it comes to cutting hair; decide what you want to cut, where, and how long you want it to be; ideally, you should keep it as simple as possible; after all, you are a beginner…
  • gathering the tools you need – if you choose a simple cut, you’ll only need a handful of tools; the first tool to use is a clipper with guards – if your hair is thick, choose number 2, if your hair is thinning, choose number 4; for longer hair, you will need scissors, but make sure they are sharp; if you have “problem hair” ask a professional for guidance, preferably via a video call
  • steady, steady, go! – start slowly and be patient; cut your hair gradually and see how it looks; cut more of it until you are happy; ideally, you should take no more than ¼ inch at a time; reassess and see if it looks good – this will help you see the results in real time; avoid making horizontal cuts and don’t try anything special, like point cutting; you don’t have the experience, and you will ruin your hair.